The Beauty Scientists

Subtle Signs of Aging Revealed! How To Reverse Them?

• Dr. Kristy Hamilton and Dr. Roy KIm • Episode 9

👉 Dr. Kristy Hamilton and Dr. Roy Kim, board-certified plastic surgeons, spill the beans on the subtle signs of aging and the secrets to reversing them! From facial changes to the dreaded neck lines, they've got you covered. Tune in for expert advice and stay youthful forever! 

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Welcome to The Beauty Scientists I'm Doctor Kristy Hamilton here with my co host Doctor Roy Kim and we are both Board Certified Plastic Surgeons who are really passionate about Plastic Surgery aesthetic medicine and beauty and today I'm really excited about our topic we're talking about subtle signs of aging and how to reverse them so I think this is a really common question that um I got is your patients come in I'm just starting to notice these changes I know I look good but I can tell something has changed particularly in my my face you know neck, decolletage and hands and they're curious as to why that is what they can do and what it what exactly it is that they're noticing about themselves cause sometimes it's a little bit hard to put your finger on it so starting with overall health and lifestyle Doctor Kim why do you think you know a 30 year old or 35 year old is coming in for the first time and what do you think they can do about it before we get to actual treatments in our hands yeah I do think that overall holistic health is very important because you wanna have an overall healthy diet you wanna exercise including strength training flexibility the ability to do ADLs the nerdy medical term for activities of daily living and all this stuff actually affects skin quality so it's not just wearing sunscreen or vitamin d exposure whatever you wanna actually be able to eat and adjust enough biotin collagen all those things which relate to movement what you're actually eating what you're actually ingesting and absorbing to help with your overall health but also your overall aesthetics yes I think it's really interesting so at age 25 is that's the average year where patients start breaking down our human beings we start breaking down more collagen in our skin than we're producing but it you know you don't notice that instantaneously it's like you wake up the day you turn 25 you're like oh my goodness you you especially look the same but it's takes about is on average is 10 years after that when you have the slow breakdown and your collagen so the elasticity the texture and the tightness of your skin so it's usually around 35 when people really start to notice okay something something has really changed and we know that there are other factors like smoking or drinking particularly in excess not exercising eating too much junk food these things you know it's like when you're in college you can get away with these bad habits wake up and still be fresh as a daisy the next day and still look good after a decade plus of those sort of behaviors you really start to notice it in your skin so what what what should the 25 year olds be doing let's start with that let's start with preventative if you were if if we're able to turn back the clock which you can't but maybe we have some younger viewers listening so what what would be the things that you would be doing so that we can slow this process well rounded diet Protection from the sun making sure you actually get enough collagen biotin supplementation people don't really love thinking about it but hey meat protein is good if you're a vegetarian or vegan you need to realize that some of these collagen supplements are made from animals so if it's really important to you hey you still need to supplement the collagen of biotin but maybe just look at the ingredients or how it's made and maintain having said like don't yoyo in terms of like weight fluctuations if you're you have a more stable overall weight you're obviously not gonna have tons of loose skin or having the skin having to recover from rapid weight loss yes and I would add to that um so by sun protection definitely SPF every single day even if you're even if you're not going outside yes even if you're not going outside because there's sources coming through the windows unless you're living in a concrete bunker and a basement every single day obviously avoiding tanning beds those are just terrible for so many reasons skin cancer indefinitely aging um which maybe skin cancer doesn't scare everybody but when I tell patients that it's gonna give them wrinkles that usually scares them away nicotine and specifically like cigarette use and including vaping I think also habits that if you avoid and avoid drinking or if you if you do drink then keep it moderate or minimal and that will all do wonders for your skin yeah so what what do we when so now what we fast forwarded with we're 35 we've been doing all that but still collagen has has started its breakdown what are you as a plastic surgeon Doctor Kim when you're doing your facial analysis what anatomic structures change like what are you actually seeing that the lay person just sees as as just a global aging experience I mean where do I start I mean you look at the whole face and there are subtle signs when you add them all together show that we're aging so if you start at the top one of them is the temporal hollowing so right here if it actually is indented that's a sign of aging and as you know that can be filled up with either filler or fat but that's one of the early signs the other thing is that your eyebrow position may drop over time some people naturally have a lower eyebrow but some people as we age it just drops a lot to a small amount it just depends but Botox and or surgical eyebrow position can really help with the overall look have you noticed other things in terms of the eye eyelids stuff like that when you evaluate your patients yeah so in conjunction with the the brow like you were talking about you can see that even without me adding eyelid skin if I push my eyebrow down look at all that extra alleged eyelid skin I have so you really have to you have to look at the brow in isolation and then you also have to look at the eyelid and then you'd see how those combined together because it could be that your brow is dropping and giving you that heavy look um could be eyelid skin excess in itself or it could be a combination of the two um and so we can adjust brow position with neuromodulators or Botox um and then sometimes we have to go a surgical route to address that similarly with with eyelid skin and we also lose volume in these areas so some patients will come in either with bags where the fat under the eyes is kind of herniating forward or alternatively hollows in those areas where they've had some fat loss and atrophy and so all of those things are features that we don't see in babies in young children and so those are those are signs of aging cause we know that we do lose volume in our face this time goes on our facial skeleton shrinks our fat pad shrink and then on top of that everything gets looser and hang so it's it's you know it's a very unforgiving process it's like the balloon has deflated um we pop the balloon and then it's and then the balloon itself is sagging so um those those two processes work together to make things look even lower and saggier um than individually they are alone I think another big one um is the distance between the base of the nose to the top of the lip when you part your mouth you should be able to see it rest you look at me about 2 millimeters of your central two front teeth your central incisors some people as time goes on when they part their lips they can't see their teeth at all and that contributes to aging as well it's one of those subtle signs you don't know that you're looking for it but you if you're looking at someone they look older to you that's probably one of the things that you're noticing yeah that well in terms of what you just said as well as the lips some I mean we definitely know that older patients have thinner lips but you have to sort of holistically look at is the distance from the bottom of the nose to the top of the lip getting longer or is the actual lip volume getting thinner or is it a combination of both that often occurs in many patients especially as they get older and then another thing is as we age our noses actually drop a little so even if you've had a rhinoplasty the cartilage does not stay rigid and support things over 10 20 30 years what we've discovered as a lot of our early rhinoplasties are getting older and older the does at the tip drop a little not very much but on profile view it can look different in an older patient versus younger patient what do you think Dr. Hamilton yeah I think I think that's really important and so you can we can lift the tip with a little bit of filler of course patients if they've already been considering a surgical rhinoplasty that may be the tipping point where they decide to pursue it but we know it's like the cartilage in our ears and noses does continue to grow um as time goes on so that's one thing that that patients do notice that sometimes we do rhinoplasty or surgical um surgical nose reshaping along with our surgical facelifts and I liked what you were saying also about the lips lips being thinner and losing volume themselves and then sometimes they just get kind of hidden or tucked in so as that white part of the lip lengthens it's not that some patients I saw them it's not that you don't have a lip it's just we can't see it it's hiding so if we shorten that distance you can see a lot more of it so that's why sometimes a surgical lip lift um may in more extreme cases be a better option for patients than something like lip filler alone for example cause then you're really just volumizing a part of the lip that you may not be able to see face line anyways so it's not helping what about the famous neck I feel like the neck is one of the areas that drives people crazy and we have so many options when we're talking about the face and people come in their face is sculpted and beautiful the skin is glowing and the neck just often times they feel like it gets neglected and then one day patients notice it and what are you noticing about the neck itself what are the structures and then I would love to know yeah so I mean obviously you may develop loose skin of the neck some patients are overweight and they develop you know fullness a double chin some patients don't they're not really overweight but you still have lax fat in the words a little loose skin as well as some fat there and so that's very noticeable having a sharp jawline is definitely considered more aesthetic you look more fit and basically you look younger so to fix that we can remove the material underneath your jawline in other words if you have fat here but if you have loose skin there there are different ways to actually tighten it up and finally a lot more patients when they talk about tech neck they're talking about the horizontal lines that go across their neck and we can actually use filler or fat grafting or some type of skin resurfacing to improve all those things about the neck I don't know what your patients are asking for or noticing as they age that all the same things um the texture creepiness looseness definitely tech neck lines and so I find um for myself the best approach for the neck is multifactorial so we go and we'll do laser resurfacing um we will do dilute filler injections and the horizontal bands will do botox or neuromodulator um injections um to address the platysma muscle which is the neck muscle that makes those bands when you strain like the Hulk and it causes some vertical lines to pop out also helps relax the lower face and let it rise up a little bit and then I think you know before we go to necklifts or face lifting um I agree with you I think I'm the right patient if you do have discreet pockets of of uh fat underneath the chin uh submental liposuction a quick you know 20 minute procedure done awake oftentimes is a really powerful way to reveal a jawline that's been there all along but it's been hiding in a little bit of extra extra fat cells yes and I definitely have noticed a trend where some plastic surgeons and some patients notice that they have deeper neck structures so as a plastic surgeon if you pinch this area and you can feel the fat you can feel confident it's fat however if you're pinching the area and you're not really feeling fat but it's still prominent there's you know what the anterior belly the digastric which is a nerdy name for muscle here some some submandibular glands which are type of gland right here and even muscle tightening may be needed in younger patients to really get a more sharp angle at the neck yes and so I think that's that's why again like the analysis is so important because of course especially the younger the patient you want to do this the smaller procedure the non surgical maybe the minimally invasive one like some mental liposuction but to your point of if the bulk is not from fat underneath the skin then liposuction is not gonna help you very much so you do have to consider what the underlying cause is and sometimes the bigger operation or the more powerful operation really is the solution to get the result that you're looking for so that's why seeing someone who knows the anatomy like a board certified plastic surgeon is so important what about what Doctor Kim that's another one that you know people come in okay well now I was taking really great care of my face and neck but I have to hide my hands because they don't match my beautiful face what what are we noticing about aging in the hands um yeah getting weirdly enough fat in our hands fat in our feet you can actually see the tendons and the skin can actually look older with sunspots age pots and other things so the cool thing is we can fill it with filler or we can fill it with fat that will revolumize the hands revolumize the feet actually make you look younger and as Dr. Hamilton knows there are lasers chemical peel other things which actually help your hand skin and feet skin actually look younger do you have a strong preference as to like how you like to volumize it or fill it as well as what the best you know skin resurfacing tech that you like to use so I love in my very skin patients I love to do fractionated CO2 laser in combination with fat grafting I just feel like that is a super powerful um combination we do we do the laser resurfacing to address the sun spots and the discoloration maybe the texture of the skin itself build some collagen in it and then when we see the veiny wrinkly tenderness hands um which again is not what baby hands look like think fat transfer is so powerful it works so well um and it's actually I think very cost effective compared to off the shelf injectables because if you inject just like 10 milliliters of a little bit of fat from your inner thigh you won't miss it from your inner thigh at all and that just plumps the back of the hands beautifully and then there you are your matching your nice smooth luminous facial skin with the back of back of your hands if patients don't wanna do a small surgical procedure then I think Hyaluronic Acid fillers or Radiesse work really well in these areas too you just will need a relatively large amount um of off the shelf product to get um enough unless it's a really young patient yeah the earliest signs of aging yeah the biggest advantage of fat are that it is longer lasting it has a slight stem cell effect so overall your skin quality improved and you're you're right I mean the amount of filler you need is a decent chunk it's a decent number of syringes whereas it's very easy to harvest not that much fat and really do a fantastic job at the hands that actually also the feet area yes so I think this is one of the areas in my practice where the small surgical procedure actually make may come out to be more cost effective for patients and I think yield a superior result than the non surgical intervention and the amount that we're taking from inner thighs or wherever you're harvesting the fat from is is so small that unless you're wanting to change how those areas look like you really shouldn't notice the loss of 20 millimeters of fat divided between two thighs for example and so I I just I think that's a just a great procedure in fact I did one today yep I mean with filler it's less expensive but you need so much filler plus the fact that it doesn't last as long as fat grafting I think you know a small surgical procedure is a better option for most patients yes I do too so this this is I think a really fascinating topic and I I hope the listeners and viewers find it of use any any parting thoughts or words of wisdom Dr. Kim so obviously you think that overall health overall holistic health weirdly enough but honestly is the fundamental for aging gracefully and for overall aesthetics and I hope Doctor Hamilton and I have not made you so paranoid to look at for every single sign of subtle aging in your face and body that's not the point of this whole podcast and us talking rather it just helps reveal some of the subtle signs that you may be noticing puts it in a more organized fashion and yeah there are things that we can do to help you yes so another fascinating discussion and thank you so much for your insight I couldn't agree more with what you're saying I feel like our practices mirror each other and that and as always thank you to our viewers so much for listening we'd be I delighted to hear about any future discussion or future direction you like us to take so please please ask any questions in the comment section and we will we will answer them and do future podcasts on them and as always stay beautiful out there and thank you Dr. Kim so much for this engaging discussion of course Dr. Hamilton always great to catch up and stay beautiful of of course about the hands to the hands and really feet as we age