The Beauty Scientists

The World’s Most Expensive Skin Maintenance Procedures

Dr. Kristy Hamilton and Dr. Roy KIm Episode 13

Discover the lavish world of top-tier aesthetic procedures with Dr. Kristy Hamilton and Dr. Roy Kim on The Beauty Scientists podcast! From glass skin facials to Emsculpt, they delve into the realm of high-end beauty maintenance and rejuvenation. Learn insider tips on laser treatments, hair loss therapies, Botox, fillers, eyelid lifts, and more. Don't miss out on the secrets to timeless beauty! ✨

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money no object time is not an issue what can I do without surgery to just like optimize myself from head to toe this is what we would recommend but what that means is you actually have to get more frequent treatments no again that's not if you have sagging bands of loose skin that's not gonna be the solution it will help hair growth about 30% so if you have thinning hair yes you're gonna have more hair if you're totally bald it helps but it doesn't help that much so Hello! This is Doctor Roy Kim part of The Beauty Scientists along with my partner Doctor Kristy Hamilton how are you? I'm good how are you? great so excited I'm really excited about this topic I think it's fun yes so the topic we're gonna talk about are the most is expensive aesthetic procedures sort of more maintenance less surgical procedures that you can get so there are a couple caveats one is you these are expensive we don't think that anybody's getting all of them all at once but hey if you're out there we'd love to see you and the second thing is it's not just about money it's about time for recovery if you have things to do you I don't think it's easy to get all these procedures all at once but hey if you are one of those people who wants it all and is in Houston or San Francisco or Los Angeles please give us a call yeah so this is like this is like the ideal like if you had a patient coming in where they're like money no object time is not an issue what can I do without surgery to just like optimize myself from head to toe this is what we would recommend and I'm gonna try to do as much of this as possible when I after I birth this baby so I was like a lot of these are my imminent future so pay attention if you're if you're intrigued cause this is this is real this is happening very soon if you own the candy store you can eat as much candy as you want some of the benefits of having your practice for sure that's right so first thing first the skin so we talked about this just right before we went on air glass skin facials so a little more expensive what do you think about them and how often would you get them ideally if money was no object? I think doing them a quarterly is great this is also one of the treatments that really doesn't have any downtime or of substance and so that's nice you can come in you can infuse your skin with all this goodness growth factors from the PRP pigment correctors Botox injection grade Hyaluronic Acid so this is just like you're getting that beautiful glow and you walk out of the office with it and just gets better and better over the next couple of days minimal downtime it's great for brides special events so that incorporating that into your routine quarterly I think it's just a beautiful way just to have radiant skin what do you think I totally agree and it is more the pricey side because the minimum is that you're mixing neurotoxin and HA filler you wanna throw in growth factors the recovery is quick but yes if you're talking about getting a quarterly every four months it does add up over time but it is a great way to have your skin glowing with minimal makeup year round yes and we think about it's like hydration it's like a it's like a glass of water for your skin except everything's actually going into your skin itself so all those things in our in our serums that we're hoping get into the skin and then so many of the fan favorites like the HA fillers and the Botox just like all in one and the blood draw for the PRP so you're right it is a combination of some of the more expensive maintenance treatments all together what else would you do for your skin? laser treatment of some kind so laser treatments in general tend can be fairly big you have to hide from people for a week or two longer recovery you can definitely get specific lasers based on your ethnicity based on your needs sort of crank it down so you're not getting a maximum blast but what that means is you actually have to get more frequent treatments yes so you can go for like assuming your skin can handle it you can go for one really big gun treatment a year with the downtime that's what I'm gonna do next month normally what I do is the intensive fractionated CO2 laser but I'll do lighter settings and do it more frequently during the year so that I don't have to take as much time off cause I feel you know and in our profession I think our patients it's gonna be kind of expected if we show up looking a little funny I feel like when recovering from something like that's maybe not such a surprise but if you do the really intensive one you are gonna need some some days off for sure yeah and how often would you do the less intensive one? the less intensive one I actually will do quarterly but if you're doing the if you're one of my patients and we're talking about the more intensive treatments like deep laser treatment will suggest annually and that's that's beautiful we do it in the winter so less exposure more downtime January is a great month yeah holidays yeah so speaking of your skin and your face next up is hair so everybody knows men tend to lose their hair what's interesting is that of course women tend to lose their hair the ponytail that you had when you're teenager you know it's gonna be a little thinner as you become an adult and men definitely have male pattern baldness but women also can have patches or areas where it's a little thinner one great way to treat it is PRP or PRMF or a combination of both how often would you recommend getting it if you know cost was an issue and you could just live at your plastic surgeon's office well controversial I don't think there's a true answer to this question but I know a lot of us do at least around of 3 monthly and then we'll spread it out quarterly thereafter by your third treatment a month after that you should be seeing some difference in your hair and so if you are that's a great signal to continue I've also enjoyed adding the new addition to my practice so we'll see how how it goes but it's been some excitement about exosome therapy too for the scalp so I've started to micro needle that into the scalp itself and I know some of our mutual plastic surgeon friends are singing its praises so it's too early for me to comment on the results of that but I think that could be a nice combination therapy with the PRP injections too and therefore listeners or viewers PRP is Platelet Rich Plasma so what we do is we withdraw the blood put it in tubes spin it or centrifuge it and after some period of time correct type of test tube we're gonna get some yellowish or pure yellow liquid at the top that's the stuff that we wanna inject where you're balding where you have less hair because that will actually stimulate your hair stem cells the follicles and help it grow the other thing is the studies I've read is that it will help hair growth about 30% so if you have thinning hair yes you're gonna have more hair if you're totally bald it helps but it doesn't help that much so our thinking is hey let's start monthly or every two month PRP injections when you're 20 or 25 which sounds ridiculous but that's actually when your hair starts with it and you wanna get ahead of it of course before so that the you you don't wanna wait until you have noticeable hair loss you would like to get ahead of it before but let's say let's say you're just you know you're just listening to your podcast you're just finding out about this you're already have significant areas like where it is bald would you suggest then ideally you would get fue or micro hair transplants or single hair follicle grafts so another would you take out one hair and you put it in the area that's bald with one tiny hole so there are cup there's without getting too much into the weeds and talking too much you you need to have hair you need to have better quality hair so thinner hair doesn't work as well as thicker hair the other thing is that the recipient site you actually can't put in too many hairs typically you know from what I've read and from what I've done it's about 3,000 maybe 4,000 single hair follicles which is a lot it's just that when you look at the surface area sadly in some patients it's not that much you may need two or three rounds to get total coverage of your scalp and you're really just moving those hairs around like you still have you're not growing new ones to there's an absolute number we're taking it from a denser area and moving it so we still wanna support those which is why I also think even after having the hair transplants of whatever kind it's nice to maintain that result compliment it it with the PRP injections and so we have a number of patients that do that too of course combining with the with the vitamins and on the the serums and the shampoos and all that cause hair is really like you have to attack it from from all angles yes I mean blood flow slash nutrients as well as surface at the scalp as well as you know hair transplants are procedure I don't know if it's full blown surgery but it's still a procedure to remove that many single hair you know follicles and then place them back yes absolutely so what are your thoughts on Botox and fillers assuming that money is no object and you could actually get it on a very consistent basis so I would be and I do I Botox myself every three months this is the longest I've been Botoxed cause I'm pregnant started when I was 27 and so actually what's been so great is like now as you can see for example I've got full movement but since I've been doing it consistently since I was 27 even though it's been nine months since I've had anything I can make all these expressions and I can even make some lines but when I stop moving my face they haven't come back yet so that really speaks to the power the preventative element of Botoxin Neuromodulator treatment too so but I'm ready to get my brow lift back and to slim my masseters it's gonna be this way great so I I'm all in on judicious and regular use of Botox and then filler I think you just fillers a great product I love the Hyaluronic ones for the face cause I think it's always important to know you can dissolve them if you need be it just as time goes on and I I think you have a similar philosophy as me Doctor Kim with this but I think little sprinkles optimizations of the face micro adjustments that is what keeps filler looking so beautiful really enhancing your own structure so I'm more liberal with the Neuromodulator like Botox and much more conservative with the filler and really like to do that think on average I'm refreshing areas every two years or so but what I'll do is I'll kind of just tweak little things here and there on my face as time goes on yeah it keeps things looking natural I love if I can give literally one syringe of filler maybe once a year or maybe two syringes once a year and place it everywhere so you might need some on your lips your cheek your nasolabial fold the jawline your angle of the mandible but not go crazy but you're always maintaining it yeah once you once you've create like some you know sometimes we'll do like a little bit especially someone comes in they've never done it we might have a plan for a couple of syringes over that first year even do it all in one session but then after that the goal is to just like conservatively replenish I kind of inject full syringes every three months I totally agree yeah yeah and then one other thing which is I think maybe not expensive but one thing that younger patients should consider or at least this is what some people do is eyelid lift so in other words you may need literally I don't know one or two millimeters of skin removed in your 30s or 40s like not much of an eyelid lift not much skin removed and it sounds a bit nuts to some people were hey you're gonna need an eyelid lift every 10 years ish but you're removing an unbelievably tiny strip of skin but yeah recovery faster nobody notices but you are committing to a much smaller procedure possibly two or three times in your life yeah and then again people aren't gonna notice it's not this like you went from having all this eyelid skin to like clearly something even if the results natural you're just gonna look different to the people who know you yeah people who don't know you will just be like oh like he or she looks great but I think you know once you become an appropriate surgical candidate it is nice especially with the face to intervene on the earlier side so that the changes are more subtle and it is easier to recover yeah so what would you do for the neck and especially the horizontal necklines here tech neck ah the tech neck everyone's all about getting rid of the tech neck so I like a combination of Botox so for the vertical lines I also think it helps with the horizontal lines too kind of relaxing that neck muscle called the platisma back helps create more definition and then I like hyper dilute biostimulators like Radiesse or Sculptra even there and then for deep lines we'll actually directly inject Hyaluronic Acid into them to to plump those up now again that's not if you have sagging bands of loose skin that's not gonna be the solution but when you are have like relatively tight skin and you're starting to get those creases that works really really nicely and I think the neck is another area where prevention is key so if you have the ability to start working on these areas now you're already coming in for your upper third Botox neck lower face is a great place to start incorporating that in and then a little bit of filler here and there yeah and another option although it's a procedure is actually fat grafting so we can extract fat from you and place it in those horizontal lines and you know even use it that fill in your face but that's not that's a procedure that's not something that we can easily crack open a box and actually give it to you easily in an office setting but it's minimally invasive and your point is really just like little needle entrance site so there's almost no evidence of it having ever happened and if you're considering like your hands your face your neck all that then it actually may even become a cost effective at that point over multiple uh products being pulled off the shelf yeah so for the hands and feet we do recommend if possible giving HA filler Radiesse fat grafting some type of filler that's regenerative or Hyaluronic Acid to the hands and feet to keep you looking young because since we walk and since we use our hands a lot it will fade especially if it's not fat yeah and what we see is like we see a lot of patients taking great care of their face maybe less care of their neck less care of their décolletage less care of their hands and all of a sudden you start to notice those because they look discordant with the face and what we noticed in the back of the hands is we start to see more of the tendons more of the veins they start to look a little bit more skeletal and we know volume in these areas is desirable so if you can do something nice to plump them and then also do something for the skin itself yes so cause we'll see sunspots and aging and wrinkles on that too so the combination of adding some volume whether it's be with fat or a filler and then you know there's chemical peels for hands and I will do laser resurfacing on hands where appropriate as well yeah and the next up one of the newer technologies and one that I don't think anybody really does this but we definitely would love to something that would be something RF micro needling to the entire body in other words you're giving low grade tightness or heat to all of the skin of your body and that would also imply since it's a little painful you probably have to be under some type of sedation anesthesia to actually get it over your entire body on a consistent basis yeah and so we see people doing that like they may be having a Liposuction and then they'll also get like their whole body or micro needled cause it is painful to your point and it just take a long time yes so that's also something to consider it's yeah you certainly move faster under anesthesia than you can awake but you know we we don't like to keep people under anesthesia for overly long periods of time either so we know heat heating the tissue to a certain degree stimulates collagen and so that's I think that's ultimately one of the dreams right that we kind of just walk into some sort of chamber and just get zapped with heat and then walk out everything's kind of cinched itself up that hasn't quite that technology doesn't quite exist yet but I'm I'm waiting for that I think that sounds great cause we're doing all this up for our our face can really handle so much heat cause of the oil the sebaceous glands oil glands the body you have to be more careful with it's easier to cause hyperpigmentation and just slower to heal than the face for sure yeah and then finally we have a lot of non surgical or possibly surgical options to help with your body contouring so first up would be injection of some agent that is easy to get that's not fat so of course many of us do have extra fat we do think that fat harvesting and fat grafting is fantastic but we can actually inject Sculptra to the buttock area or the areas that need a little home and there's a separate completely different product Renuva which is fat from cadavers and both of them are pricey to very pricey yes and so again if you know money is no object then we can pull a lot of this off the shelf product and we can we can do non surgical BBLs and hip augmentation and contour different areas of the body where we're at least we're adding volume and so we'll have you know it's very common for people to come I had did a consult like this today someone's already had surgery before maybe she lost a little bit of weight afterwards like this patient and she's like I want some of that plump plumpness back but I don't wanna necessarily have Liposuction and fat transfer again so you can do as many of these syringes over time as you like you can you can do 60 80 100 of them over time it's just the off the shelf price sometimes gets to the point where it actually easily can get to the point where it then becomes certainly more cost effective just to have surgery again so then patients are sometimes weighing that but for smoothing for cellulite for like localized pumping it's a great way to not have to return to the or for just kind of tweaking something at those are the non surgical BBLs and like hip augmentation very popular in Houston and in my practice yeah I mean so we talked about the cost right before we started talking to each other and recording it the cost of Sculptra and Renuva depending on the area depending on how much you need we're talking like 60 to 300 k so yeah that's the actual cost to the patient because that's how much product you need right I mean you think about what we were talking about the faces maybe we're taking one syringe and sprinkling it everywhere maybe two and then if we're doing 60 80 100 so the products were kind of produced to be in line with more like facial volume optimization that is for body but there are people that don't have any fat that they can transfer and then are able to sign up for these kind of procedures and it's a great option for them cause they really wouldn't have any other one yeah and then another way to sculpt the body and again this is like the kid in the candy store there are non surgical ways Emsculpt to actually have your muscles fire in your buttock in your abs and it replicates all of the hard exercise or more exercises sometimes may be difficult to do now can you imagine having like this device in your living room or maybe in your plastic surgeon office and just getting it done what once a week once a month forever and you can put it on so many different areas so you know initially people were using it on the abs they think about doing like 10,000 crunches or something like that how much time it would take and 30 you can do that in 30 minutes and people are putting it on their on their glutes to shape the buttock on their like arms you can do it so I'm excited to do that too that's what also part of one of my plans to re-strengthen the core but it's so funny cause you think about those ads that you used to see on TV where people were just like hooked up to some electrodes and then things would start twitching essentially the same concept but they actually got it to work yes and so it's like forcing exercise upon you and you will be very very sore afterwards they even have a technology that they're using for facial toning so again it's not doing anything for the skin not necessarily building meaningful collagen and a few tone muscles that can also at least give you a temporary lift in the face as well yeah so obviously like maybe one or two treatments is quite affordable however imagine getting them once every two weeks once every four weeks once every six weeks forever then right you would definitely look better but it does the recovery is obviously very little to nothing it's really the time and the money involved to show up at your plastic surgeon's office let's say once a month to get the treatment yeah and so that's when you hear of celebrities and performers like ending up with having one of these in their home or something but of course that's not typical the average person can't do that but they do work if you are able to incorporate them into your routine yeah so man I mean I'm gonna have to spend a lot of money and get this stuff like in my living room that way I could like watch TV or read books and just go to town running a science experiment on myself in the next starting in a month so we'll see he'll report back well yeah see how much I can do in a short period of time yeah it's always fun to like get all these procedures done and like see the results so it'll be fun it'll be fun and you can also you know it's always interesting for yourself like you read the I mean we're both so data driven reading the literature understand that's really really important but there is also so much value into experiencing these things for yourself when you're talking to patients yeah so I am excited about that yeah I will have to do it what works the best yes for me follow up episode well Doctor Hamilton it's always good talk to you for our podcast The Beauty Scientists for listeners out there please you know watch it on Spotify watch it on YouTube listen on Apple Podcast and all other major platforms and as always stay beautiful stay beautiful thank you all so much for listening