The Beauty Scientists

Exposing Europe's Beauty Secrets! New Trends & Innovations Revealed! IMCAS 2024

Dr. Kristy Hamilton and Dr. Roy KIm Episode 10

🔍 Dive into the European aesthetic scene with Dr. Kristy Hamilton and Dr. Roy Kim! From groundbreaking injectables to revolutionary regenerative treatments, discover the latest beauty breakthroughs! 💥 Don't miss out on insider insights into Europe's unique market, training disparities, and game-changing devices for flawless skin! 

💻 Explore more about IMCAS World Congress 2024 on their website:

💡 Want to learn more about Rejuran's innovative regenerative aesthetic product? Visit their website:

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Hi! I'm Doctor Kristy Hamilton and I'm here with my fellow board certified plastic surgeon Doctor Roy Kim and we are The Beauty Scientists do we have a treat for you today Doctor Kim just got back from Europe you're in Paris right? yes I was at the IMCAS meeting which is held in Paris France and we are gonna be talking about everything you learned and we can debate whether Europe or North America is ahead of the game but there's gonna be definitely some some new things as we all go through a different approval times with our FDA versus the relevant governing bodies I'm so excited to find out what you learned about last week well yeah thanks so IMCAS is a huge meeting typically as you know our meetings are 1 to 2,000 participants this meeting had a whopping 18,000 participants wow I had a couple friends there that I didn't even see I couldn't go to the lectures cause there are too many lecture options and the exhibit hall as you can imagine the exhibit hall was fairly big but it was jam packed with some unique things some unique products injectables fillers dermatology skin care stuff which we'll talk about okay so we should let's start with let's start with injectables what what was the what was your No. 1 take away well what did what were some trends? uh some trends were Europe has different from the United States FDA so the food and Drug Administration is very much patient safety focused not that Europe is not rather the FDA has like huge barriers large obstacles I do feel that sometimes they want too much and it's a lot more difficult to get any medication pharmaceutical injectable filler approved for use in the United States so in Europe it's a lot easier and it shows because there are ton of brand names and booths and companies I never heard of that offer Botox equivalents as well as filler equivalents that basically similar product but much lower price yes as soon as we can make up the commodities more available and there's a lot more price and competition and I remember when you came back from South Korea you were saying they're like 20 or 30 odd Neuromodulators like Botox and then for us you've got you know 4 over here so big big difference was there were were there any new kind of standout novel products like something completely different than traditional Hyaluronic Acid fillers and Neuromodulators yes so the biggest thing was Rejuran that's a Korean company and they create sort of anti aging biostimulatory uh regenerative aesthetics is what they call it so as you know fillers are made out of typically some type of chemical so fillers fill some of the fillers actually have some biostimulatory component they stayed or claim or little both that they produce collagen so this is classically Radiesse Calcium Hydroxyapatite or Sculptra which is PLLA Rejuran I'm gonna have to be very careful about how they say this and if you have any little kids in the room you may not wanna let them hear this if you read the lay press Rejuran is derived from salmon DNA they thought that it's like more pure it's a mammal blah blah blah and so they actually say in the press that is from salmon skin and they use a DNA and create PN PolyNucleotide and this actually helps regenerate tissue the original research was actually done in wound care and pressure sores so that's a very interesting component from a cosmetic perspective they injected very similar to what we do in the US with filler but it helps to regenerate skin in other words the stuff underneath the skin that helps you generate collagen it gives your skin a better glow it actually thickens skin it helps a lot so this is the thing it's sort of hard to really accept that the fillers derived from salmon skin but technically it's not it is actually derived from male salmon ejaculate so there you go no wonder they're not putting that right in the center of the advertising yes so yes if you read the scientific nerdy articles it is not from salmon skin is actually from something from the salmon but it's not quite skin and there we go doctor work came straight from Paris went straight to the source got the real info for all of you all so you know what's actually going on but that's interesting I mean I think we're seeing an increasing trend towards regenerative medicine regenerative injectables even how we're repurpersing our own tissues so was this like an impressive product where were you seeing kind of similarities to Radiesse and Sculptra like we have already in the United States or was you know was just something about it that really made it stand apart to you I think the thing that stands apart is actually the scientific basis of wound care so as you know pressure sores wounds that don't heal well if you have diabetes or varicose veins this product has been used successfully in humans to actually help with wound healing so the fact that they can do that I mean they can do a lot cosmetically or aesthetically and as you know I think fat is the ultimate regenerative you know wonder drug but fat requires liposuction fat harvest processing and placing it back in the human body this stuff you crack open a box and you inject it and it actually has regenerative effects the other interesting thing that they do with it is you can actually use it like a skin booster so you they have different forms of Rejuran so you can actually inject it directly into your skin not that deep and it actually rejuvenates your skin similar to SkinVive but it's a different product okay this is exciting it looks like kind of fills a different niche which is always always nice for us to have more tools in our toolbox so we'll see how long it takes to come over here otherwise we're gonna have to make a professional field trip over to Europe to test these out well we can go to Korea and go directly to the factory I don't know if you wanna go to the fishery where they do aquaculture to derive the Rejuran but that's a different story only with you all right haha I was just saying so that so that is that is new and different you know plastic surgery like we're founded originally our our field and in wound care and trauma reconstruction coming out of the world wars and so we kind of we keep our finger on the pulse of reconstructive surgical practices and tools and many of them for the same reason have kind of aesthetic characteristics and translational aspects to them so that that's exciting and that's a very classic plastic surgery story I think what about in a device land anything new in terms of lasers and other devices I saw you were posting some things on Instagram that you found yeah so with lasers not much new you know as you know wavelength is physics so a wavelength is a wavelength and if it helps with hair redeuction or a congenital lesion like a birthmark they have cheaper ones outside the US because they again don't have the same regulatory requirements and frankly you know they're just way overpriced in the United States the second thing was they have cool devices that directly go towards micro needling and radio frequency so as you know there's RF micro needling micro needling you create holes RF is radio frequency energy so when you have these metal rods these tiny metal needles that create the hole you zap it with RF energy and it heats up and it gives you a better result they have handheld devices that do this so these handheld devices are much smaller than this massive box with a handpiece that we're used to I think they're like 13 or 14 different companies including Morpheus and Vivace and Potenza and a bunch of other competitors in the RF microneedling space but they're all fairly big devices they have insulated needles and they claim that they deliver RF like a certain pattern a certain like strength blah blah blah to have a handheld device uninsulated needles lower energy but delivering more energy cause the needles are uninsulating uninsulated and delivering like very good results I mean I don't know if I actually believe what I saw on the brochures it's that impressive wow I mean just how how much easier than having to like tote around the giant machine on wheels if you have something that you can pluck around in your coat pocket in essence that is really neat and again it speaks to the the power of having a broader market which we get there eventually in the US but your earlier point slower slower here I saw one of your videos of the handheld ultras I'm sorry radio frequency microneedling I was like that's cool I like yeah it makes sense I can't imagine why that's not an achievable type of device in the US eventually as well yeah I think there has to be studies done because I know that the other competitors other companies that exist in US so you know I actually got a comment they tried non insulated needles or tips and it didn't work very well the energy was dissipated all over the place so that's why they went to insulated tips so if it's handheld with less energy it still should work in theory I don't know if it'll work in reality and I have this other video I should post later today same device slightly bigger same company however it can also inject liquid or filler at the same time so oh wow it's like a skin booster like into the skin while while zapping it yes yeah oh that's cool it's like 2 for 2 for 1 we got everything we like holes micro trauma for college and stimulation and then direct injection of all the good stuff the growth factors the fillers yeah everything for immediate glow and probably faster recovery too yeah you can kind of get all the regenerative type topicals directly into the skin yeah and a more more consistent so as you know with like RF microneedling it's very consistent because you're having a machine like make the hole and deliver the energy with skin boosters its harder cause you use a device where it's very consistent but if you're doing it by hand it's just hard to always have the same depth with 25 50 200 shots in the face these machines do it very efficiently so I'm looking forward to some of those coming to the United States so I wonder so are you happy to be a US plastic surgeon or we feeling like we need to move move to Europe I don't know I'll tell you one thing like I've never trained in Europe I've never worked in Europe so it's hard for me to say I do think that they more toys overseas in Europe I don't know if that necessarily gives you better results because they're not that different from what we have in the US they may be getting certain things a year or two before us but honestly if it works there it'll definitely come to the US if it doesn't work there it's never gonna come to the US yeah I don't I don't mind that either because I feel like so many of these devices even the ones we got like sometimes we're underwhelmed with what they do relative to the promise so you can imagine if there if that's like the cream of the crop that we're getting after some more rigorous market tests elsewhere it's probably just as well saves us from having even more devices that we don't use right I totally agree yeah yeah anything absent in the European market that we have here or is everything kind of funneled from the from the continent over our way I think the big thing is surgery in and of itself is the same or similar in Europe but I do think that there are a lot more surgical trends in the United States I think it's because we're a huge country lots of different ethnic groups lots of different surgeons though even though we have similar training at the same institutions we're very creative and come up with new ways of doing things so I think not think I know that we come up with a lot of innovations surgically and for whatever reason I think it may be a little harder in Europe which is why they have international conferences you know you could be the top dog but if your country only has like 20 or 30 million people there's not that much how do you say it like you know psychological intellectual discourse discussions innovations because you live in a relatively small country this is why I think a lot of European plastic surgeons join international societies to get a little more learning wider breath of knowledge things of that nature so it's not like the US is rah rah always No. 1 and better but because of the diversity because we travel because other people come here because like people like me go to Europe and Asia for other plastic surgery conferences uh there's a lot of that cross fertilization and I think the second big take away is that we have Daxxify in the US and it's widely used in the US and we have a lot of experience it's not that widely used in Europe at all yet so we do have something that started here first before it went over yeah I totally agree I think you know North America we're a huge melting pot of everybody and that you know variety and anatomy and different ethnicities all that keeps it exciting and ask for a greater breath of problem solving so I think we are very fortunate and it is nice that now people travel internationally cause I know you always bring back really interesting ideas whenever you go abroad so I haven't done much in the way of outside of North America conferences I feel like that's something I should do with you well definitely we're gonna drag you to Korea sometime because that conference is not just a good conference is actually entirely in English like the whole conference is in English so I would love that because I admire so much of the South Korean like they're like skincare and just how innovative they are so I think that'd be really really neat I'd love to love to go with you yeah and then if we could ever drag you to Paris for a conference you know, if you could tolerate that then you know that'd be a fun conference to go to I think I could I think I could be forced to go to Paris for the weekend yeah I think it would be okay haha the final thing I wanted to bring out that you mentioned before we started recording was just like the difference and how people are trained by industry in Europe compared to the US system could you could you touch on uh your thoughts on that how it's different and uh what do you think one's maybe better than the other I can't necessarily comment on every single specialty and I can't comment I mean we can only comment really on like what we're trained with really with injectables fillers and newer technology because any doctor you know we're learning new stuff their new medications there's new techniques and it's not like oh I trained this in med school or in my surgical training program because if it just came out a year or two ago that's impossible as weird as it may sound to the conspiracy theorists and people who like big who hate big pharma in the United States I do think that the US is a little less biased because it's a little more transparent and open if it's a newer medication or newer technique it's pretty clear that we're trained by the companies or the you know the uh medical device companies or pharma companies on how to use it and there are actually also journal articles that are pretty unbiased and even if they're biased a lot of them you know they state they're bias you can figure out where people work you can figure out where the uh if they actually work for a company where the study came out from Europe is very different I mean especially in smaller countries it's sort of hard to get excellent training because the market just isn't there so some filler injectable medical device company they're not that interested in like training you if you come from a smaller country so they will fly you out to like a bigger European city for training but it's very clear that you're being trained by the actual medical device the laser company the injectable company the filler company and I do think there's more bias and part of that is because there are just simply fewer let's say less biased open training options if you're especially coming from the smaller country I don't think that's necessarily Europe I think the problem is if you're from the smaller country just the size I know what I think that's I think that's one thing that we do pretty well in the United States is like look it's like I I I think partnering with industry and working together is great I mean they we have knowledge they have knowledge they have technology they wanna know how we think what we want what our patients are looking for so I think to collaborate like that is a great thing it's not something to run away from otherwise you kind of have this separation of minds right and it's makes it hard for them to know what we want on the flip side I think it's really important to be transparent about that and it's one thing I really admire about all the North American conferences it's just everyone's very clear about like how who's paying them if they're being paid whether it's volunteer or not just so you know and then they know too when they get up there and make their speech out of where where their platform is and so I think it's great that we have as much transparency as we do cause we do wanna have the industry support but we also don't want all that as you know we want as little bias as possible creeping in although there will always be some yeah I totally agree and so it's nice to see that you know the US is I don't know I think it's less biased but even if you don't think that it's definitely more transparent yes so there's no perfect but I think we do that that really well well this is what great well thank you for thank you for traveling all the way to Paris Doctor Kim so that you could educate us on what's going on in Europe I'm sure that was so very difficult difficult couple days for you over there yeah I took one for the team I just had to go to Paris and go to this conference that's great well I can't wait for the next one and thank you all so much for listening if you have any questions please ask them in the comment section and we will expand on any topics of interest so as always you all stay beautiful out there and always enjoy chatting with you Doctor Kim well it's always great to see you and talk to you and as always stay beautiful out there