The Beauty Scientists

Eyelid Rejuvenation: Opening Your Eyes To Beauty

• Dr. Kristy Hamilton and Dr. Roy KIm • Episode 12

🔥 Discover more about Eyelid Rejuvenation with Dr. Roy Kim and Dr. Kristy Hamilton, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons! From early signs of aging to surgical vs. non-surgical treatments, we uncover it all! Learn about Botox, fillers, laser treatments, and more to open your eyes to beauty! Don't miss out on expert insights and tips for a refreshed, youthful look! 

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what's going on with the eyelid how do we rejuvenate it how can we sort of address it non surgically as well as surgically so I think a C02 laser is like a great in between treatment but certainly not as powerful as surgery itself if you're younger or don't have really that much going on with your eyes then those non surgical things that are easy to do in the office help however maybe it looks great in 35 year olds but as time progressed it would make people look almost skeletal and appearance Hello this is Doctor Roy Kim one of the co hosts of The Beauty Scientists board certified plastic surgeon with another board certified plastic surgeon Doctor Kristy Hamilton thanks so much for joining happy to be here as always love chatting with you about all of our favourite topics this one's exciting yes cause we're gonna be talking about Eyelid Rejuvenation so we're calling this opening your eyes to beauty the art of Eyelid Rejuvenation so we can talk about okay what's going on with the eyelid how do we rejuvenate it how can we sort of address it non surgically as well as surgically and then go from there so Doctor Hamilton in your opinion what what are some some like the early to mid level to even late level signs of eyelid aging and how do we rejuvenate it? so this is some of the thinnest skin on the entire face and it's usually one of the earliest places that we see signs of aging so while patients may have things like Rhinoplasty or chin surgery first this is the first rejuvenating surgery that patients will consider and what do we see we see the skin starts to get looser we see some drooping of the brow some excess skin hanging here fat pads kind of getting puffy in this area patients will say I just feel like I look tired and I'm not tired why is everyone always asking that and then we have loss of collagen in the skin itself and it starts to look crinklier and you get wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and also underneath the lower lashes themselves and these are not favorable changes or welcome changes for most people um so those are those are what we first begin to see and most commonly patients start noticing this in their 30s often mid 30s because that's about 10 years of slow collagen breakdown or less collagen production relative to how much is broken down it takes about 10 years to see that so very common early early yes so one of the things of course that we all know about is Botox or equivalent for crow's feet one of the newer things that we know about as well is HA filler sometimes a filler for the lower eyelid for mild bags as well as occasionally PRP or PRF which helps rejuvenate the skin so we do know that it if you're younger or don't have really that much going on with your eyes then those non surgical things that are easy to do in the office help however once you hit a certain point with loose eyelid skin as well as significant under eye bags then you probably need an operation in terms of surgery what do you look at for the surgical patient versus a non surgical patient like when do you make that distinction in your patients so when I'm starting to see significant skin excess and bigger bags if you have a small bag I agree with you you can add a little bit of volume below it and it kind of hides it or certainly people have a hollow and it's easy to add something to actually address the underlying issue but once we see truly big bag adding volume just gonna make it look even worse or the cheeks get too big and then it looks just odd so that's patients really ought to consider lower eyelid surgery at that point and then for the upper eyelids you know Botox if we get a little brow lift going on that will help because the amount of eyelid skin is intrinsically connected to brow placement so if we get the brow up a little bit you can see how it makes my eyelid skin look like there's less there and once that's not really cutting it and we've tried laser treatments which also cinches it up that's a great time to consider upper eyelid surgery yes I totally agree with you and non surgical things that can tighten skin including skin cream lasers I've used and I use it with surgery as well but I do think there's sort of a limit as to how much skin tightness you can really achieve without actually cutting out the skin and removing it and then closing it up what is your opinion on serums creams lasers chemical peel everything really that can tighten skin yeah I think creams creams and serums that's gonna be part of your ongoing maintenance I think it helps slow progression and and plump fine lines and wrinkles maybe help with the crepe-iness but it's it's not gonna be transformative I think a powerful CO2 laser treatment or ablative of laser treatment if you have a little bit of extra skin can be really powerful and I'll even offer it after eyelid surgery as well because we may have removed the extra eyelid skin but the crepe-iness it's still there so we can still use that to stimulate collagen so I I really like it especially for lower eyelids for patients who maybe they're not ready to have a full lower blepharoplasty or lower eyelid surgery but they still wanna do something so I think a C 0 2 laser is like a great in between treatment but certainly not as powerful as surgery itself yes so for the viewers out there we all know we're talking about upper eyelid lower eyelid surgery what we call blepharoplasty so Doctor Hamilton one of the things is of course as plastic surgeons we differentiate the two for the upper eyelid bleproplasty upper eyelid lift what things do you like to do as a plastic surgeon to really rejuvenate that area ah that's that's a great question so I think the modern upper eyelid surgery is about preservation as much as it is removal so we are looking at the layers of the skin followed by some of the muscle that allows us to squeeze squeeze our eyes shut and followed by some fat pads those are the main considerations for the upper eyelid old school upper blepharoplasty they used to take out all the fat that was here and that maybe it looks great in 35 year olds but as time progressed it would make people look almost skeletal in appearance cause we actually really we love we realize that we love fat in the face Doctor Kim and I are always we're we're adding it back in we're injecting it all over the face and adding volume so now I remove the extra skin whatever can be pinched so that I keep that incision exactly in the eyelid crease I like to remove a little volume from the inner fat pads or the ones close to the nose to open up the inner eye area but I just reduce it by tightening up the muscle and then do a meticulous skin closure so that that incision heals really really beautifully and that's my favorite way to do upper eyelids what about you very similar to you and of course we know that the upper eyelid has sort of like fat pockets fat pooching fat sort of laxity that causes a slight bag in the upper eyelid but really the big thing in the upper eyelid is not having too much hollowing of the upper eyelid and that's important to realize when we're doing surgery there with the lower eyelid of course we're worried about much more about the under eye bag we're worried about this line here caused by a ligament and finally I do think that we know this but plastic but patients don't know this there's actually usually not that much loose skin of the lower eyelid there's a little less and finally we need to support this canthus this structure where it gets a little loose here the portion of your body where eyelashes grow out of and I was just wondering how you address all of those concerns in your lower eyelid patients gives a lower eyelid I think it definitely a much more complex operation than the upper eyelid and little bit excess tightness in the upper eyelid that's gonna stretch out with time with the lower eyelid you really have to be careful to still be conservative because you don't do not want the weight of the face pulling down on your lower eyelid no one signed up for lower eyelid rejuvenation wanting to look like this afterwards so the key is making sure that the lower lid is well supported in older patients with more looseness that may involve tightening up the lower lid or providing additional support there and then it involves a very systematic analysis of what the underlying issue is for some patients their fat pads may not be protruding at all they may not have any bags so why remove additional fat from them that's actually rejuvenating and makes them look youthful versus if someone's got a really deep ligament a very tight ligament big bags and we know we're gonna have to release that ligament we have to reduce that fat tighten up the tissue covering it to make it nice and smooth maybe even adding a little bit of fat in that groove where the ligament used to be so everything is very customized and very tailored to the patient and we can make that a more like a maximally invasive versus a smaller procedure with just little pinches of skin removal depending on what's needed for younger patients that have no extra skin and it's really just bags I'll approach it through the inside of the eyelid and just reduce the fat pad and not take out any skin at all maybe just do a little laser resurfacing on top for tightening and collagen induction so I think that's the key to knowing that there is no one operation that suits everyone and your surgeon that you choose should have a number of different options available different techniques available to them so that they can choose the one that's ideal for you I totally agree and I think the other important thing that patients need to realize what the eyelid the lower eyelid is the lid cheek junction you want to blend it so that the lower eyelid is smooth in conjunction with your cheek younger patients I think it's a little easier older patients we may have to tell them that you need a facelift or fat grafting to the cheek as well as fat grafting to the lower eyelid to really get the smoothest and best rejuvenating result I agree and again that's why you're seeing a board certified plastic surgeon you need someone that's gonna do a complete holistic assessment of your face and analysis of your face because you know we don't exist with body parts and isolation we're not just looking at eyes and cheeks and jaw and jawline it's about how all of this comes together and that's what's gonna yield the most beautiful most natural results I agree and then when you're talking to your patients about upper eyelid lower eyelid or both what types of things are you discussing with them before surgery about the recovery process about time off from work and life and all those things that's it that's a big consideration because the these are not super painful operations I think they're fairly easy to recover from but when those early days of swelling especially during uppers and lowers it can be very tight and difficult to even close your eyes at first because of the swelling so I told my patients you're gonna you're gonna be living your life like a rock star for the first week sunglasses are gonna be your best friend because you put those on honestly the rest of you looks pretty normal dry eye symptoms are really common and so I'll have I have them use some lubricating eye drops and some steroids to help get the swelling inflammation and bruising down and I tell patients I think it's two weeks before you're looking kind of socially appropriate not a super high stake setting like I think of a little concealer I'm covering residual bruising your sutures are out at a week you can kind of go out into the world and not be turning heads but if you're really trying to look good um you're gonna need at least a month after upper or lower eyelid surgery for the most part and I think you hit the nail on the head one of the things is that this operation actually is truly not that painful so I told my patients cause I'm up here in Techville in Silicon Valley if you don't have any meetings and you don't have to show up on video and you wanna get back to work you could actually get back to work on your computer or talking on the phone pretty quickly however being seen in public being on a video conference call that's a little different you may wanna take 10 14 days a little longer before you're out there seeing people I completely agree so it's like your functional your brains working you're not on a bunch of drugs you're doing well it's just a question of like what is your comfort level what's your job position and you work from home for a little bit or you really are you the the face of a of a company or working on the you know on TV you might need a little bit more time just depending on what you do what about risks of surgery or complications how do you how do you counsel your patients about that and what can we do to minimize complications and eyelid surgery yeah as you know I think the biggest risk is bleeding so I think what we worry about is overall aesthetics and bleeding and infection the face has really good blood flow so I guess infection can occur it just isn't as common compared to other types of plastic surgery we do bleeding is a much bigger concern because we do not want any excessive bleeding around the eye around the optic nerve or even just in the cheek or eyebrow area so it's critical for patients not to be on any blood thinning medication beforehand as surgeons were really really really OCD about making sure that there's no bleeding before you close up the incision and even afterwards patients we tell them all the time hey don't do any Crossfit activities the next day after surgery don't take any blood thinning medications after surgery and so on because we want you to heal up as well as possible I also think in terms of complications the appearance of your eye how much skin laxity or skin tightness you have before surgery sort of determines how you feel after surgery you mention that dry eye is a complication that's because especially with upper eyelid lift we have a lot of loose skin and it's been able to cover the cornea the actual eyeball very well over many years well you may look better right after surgery but the ability to blink is hard to create tears all that swelling slows that down along with coverage of your cornea is very common for patients have dry eyes afterwards and we need to make sure that doesn't last longer after surgery anything else you wanna throw in there in terms of potential complications I think the main thing is that we really take the time to measure really precise placement of scars things like that so these are all essential components of the surgery to make sure that at the end like you want that scar right in the fold not too high not too low so these are some of the things that we will address and revisional surgery sometimes when patients come in but truly eyelids the skin is so thin it heals really well and essentially everybody and it's also important to you know be conservative you're still going for a beautiful result but just don't take out too much don't take out so much that we're pulling on the lower eyelid that's considered a complication too you can always take out more so I think a natural result but the significant improvement is is where you wanna be with any plastic surgery yeah that's the amazing thing with upper and lower eyelid lift proper placement of the incision it's very difficult to see even with no makeup on once it's healed up and so for patients out there it is a very good aesthetically looking overall procedure in terms of that yes which is important cause it's right in the center of your face haha yeah what anything else that you wanted to add to our discussion Doctor Hamilton no I think it's a think it's a beautiful operation I think it's like we've discussed a fairly easy pretty simple recovery afterwards and it's an extremely popular operation because everyone likes having that bright look around their eyes looking refreshed and I would add that it's popular for both men and women because men similarly don't wanna be asked in the workplace like why they're so tired all the time so I would encourage the viewers if you have any questions about it ask us in the ask us in the comments if there's other directions you wanna take we're always looking and we will create more content based on that and answer your questions thank you so much for listening well thanks so much for joining me as always Doctor Hamilton and to all the viewers and listeners of The Beauty Scientists as Doctor Hamilton says we want you to stay beautiful so thanks so much for joining us