The Beauty Scientists

The Beauty Scientists: Insights from Dallas Rhinoplasty & Dallas Cosmetic Meeting 2024!

Dr. Kristy Hamilton and Dr. Roy KIm Episode 15

In this episode of The Beauty Scientists, Dr. Kristy Hamilton and Dr. Roy Kim discuss the highlights of the Dallas Rhinoplasty and Dallas Cosmetic Conference 2024. They cover topics such as cosmetic medicine, regenerative medicine, new lasers and devices, breast surgery, body contouring, and face and nose procedures. This episode emphasizes the importance of attending conferences like Dallas Rhinoplasty for learning about the latest advancements in the field and building relationships with experts from around the world.

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Welcome to The Beauty Scientists I'm Doctor Kristy Hamilton here with Doctor Roy Kim we are plastic surgeons and Doctor Kim happens also to be the Social Media Director for Dallas Cosmetic Dallas Rhinoplasty which is our topic today so nice to see you Doctor Kim it's great seeing you glad you're looking great as always thank you the first filming post baby so much to talk about I did not get to go to Dallas Rhinoplasty Dallas Cosmetic this year which is one of my favorite meetings too there's always so much new material I'm really excited to hear about what all that you learned it was this past weekend yes so the conference is in Dallas Texas it lasts for about three and a half four days and we talked about first cosmetic stuff we have Cadaver Labs about that and we talked about Rhinoplasty and we have Cadaver Labs for that perfect so let's talk about the cosmetic cosmetic medicine part first so what was that daylight what was your overall take away overall I think that people are taking more holistic approach in other words yeah you need new skin yeah you want better skin well how do we do that we're gonna do everything possible to give you new skin including golly like pre procedural skincare post procedural skincare anything to help with healing yes we're gonna give you some type of procedure including laser or RF microedling or something of that nature but we're gonna take care of your overall appearance and the same is actually true for Botox and Fillers they're trying to enhance it with skin boosters which he talked a lot about Allergan is coming out with a new indications for filler to the temple and existing product but new indications for Botox to the platysma muscle okay which is the this muscle in the neck although I just did my postpartum glow up so I botox myself and I and I did my favorite resurfacing laser CO2 laser so I talked about skin booster so I added exosome therapy for myself for recovery for this for the first time was there any mention of regenerative medicine or any anything buzzy going on there that was a harder topic I think the restriction of the US of course is that no human exosomes can really be used so they talked about stuff that is not human that already exists in the marketplace but like nothing new about it just the use of exosomes for what you've done to yourself like that will help with healing after a procedure I think it it was the most aggressive version of the laser I've ever done cause I was taking this opportunity to do it and I healed faster than ever so I thought that was interesting was also my newer laser so 2 new variables to account for so that's injectables what's new any newer lasers or devices that you thought were interesting nothing new because it's already been out so in other words Moxie BBL Halo Sciton those are some of the bigger companies that are out there with newer technology but they've been out for about a year or so I think that people really like it because they're faster they're more efficient or they deliver slightly better results as you know and I know you know wavelength is wavelength is wavelength so something straightforward like hair removal yes it should work even if it's an old laser the newer lasers are less painful or faster which is why a newer model is better for a lot of cases including facial resurfacing okay I agree with that I know whenever people are like what about this laser I need to find out like what the wavelength it is because these things are always being rebranded what about in the world of breast surgery so that remains you know Breast Augmentation always one of the top 5 athletic surgeries done every year anything new and notable there I know you got something the biggest thing is what we've talked about in the past Motiva breast implants so Motiva is a company based in Costa Rica they have their breast implants available in Europe in South America and Asia but not in the US yet the studies are done they're waiting for the FDA approval and that should be sometime this year and nobody really knows the exact date the Motiva breast implants in case of those of you don't know their couple advantages or so they say I'm eager to try them so essentially the biggest thing is they don't have much tissue reaction as you know we're relying on tissue reaction to create a capsule or thin capsule around the implant to hold it in place you still want it to move a little but you also don't want it to wander all over the place Motiva implants don't form as much capsule so you have to be more precise with the implant pocket and you have to make sure that that implant pocket is fully shut down like surgically with sutures when you're closing up the patient so that is one big thing and I think another big thing for consumers and we'll see if they can crack the US market nobody I don't know about you but nobody really asks me for a specific brand name of implant and they don't do it in Europe nobody comes to my office and says I want an Allergan implant I want a Mentor implant yeah well outside they have cracked the B2C marketing patients around the world request Motiva implants from their plastic surgeon that's interesting you're right cause we don't have that here patients very much they wanna know what what do I think is the best best breast implant for them and usually for me it comes down to like the feel that they're going for and and often times just maybe one company has a size or dimension that's gonna fit that patient better than a competing company but yeah we don't have patients asking specifically for implants so that'll be interesting cause right now we've got Mentor Allergan Sientra which is in bankruptcy court right now got the file or the letter on that so that'll add some more competition to the mix and I always think competition's good yes I think so all right and then moving on from breast to body there's always a great attendance in terms of discussion of like body work and body contouring what did you learn? the biggest thing was something that Doctor Alfredo Hoyos calls Rib Revolution and he actually debuted his textbook there so a Russian plastic surgeon a couple years ago figured out a way to do a gentle or more gentle rib fracture is called a green stick fracture posteriorly through the back tiny incision green stick fracture makes your waist look thinner so Doctor Hoyos saw this and he applied it to his patients as well as we all know that Doctor Hoyos is the person who really reinvented liposuction is a fantastic advocate of liposculpture so he's now done with his group several hundred patients in the past year of making the waistline substantially thinner and the results are very good to possibly a little niche like in my opinion possibly too extreme although the patient's happy about it and it's a safe procedure doesn't seem to have major complications is controllable has a tiny incision in the back like we were talking like 2 cm like about that big so it's really hard to see and it simply works you think you're gonna incorporate it in San Francisco I don't to be honest I don't know how much demand there is even in the world so there's definitely gonna be demand I don't know if you want your waist to always look like you have a slight corset on all the time so I do think for patients who are wider then it works cause some of the results are hey this is a good result but I'm in I'm shocked that this person looked like this and then after you know rib cage in fracture and liposuction they look like normal or they look great those who I think are the best patients in my opinion okay so so more more extreme contouring so I agree that I think of my practice too or we're generally doing more natural looking results that may not be for for my patient population either but that's so cool and Doctor Hoyos he's a great friend of both of ours and he's always got something new in his toolbox every year that's exciting yeah so it's very impressive moving on to face face and nose what's what was the latest there I think the biggest thing in face is actually not much the biggest thing in nose is what they call preservation technique so you and I both know that there's a way to do Rhinoplasty where you have more limited incision or less dissection less dissection less swelling less potential bruising the problem is it's sort of different from the way we were taught and sometimes it's difficult to visualize exactly what you're seeing on both sides of the nose right and left so there's definitely more of a compromise where hey if we can not do as much dissection or not do as much cutting or not do as much surgery but still get the end result let's try that and people who are used to the traditional way of doing it the open approach the structural approach uh they're now maybe dissecting a little less if they don't have to and the people who really really really wanted these preservation approach like limited incisions they're starting to realize that certain noses you just need to open up both sides and look at both sides and make sure the right and left side is symmetric to get the best result before closing it up so I remember they said so for the preservation technique which is they're they're trying to just keep as much of the inherent anatomy of the nose as possible at least last year I remember they said the ideal candidates were like actually a crooked nose and one that had like a certain kind of hump was that still still the opinion of the experts this year yes for the most part like a slight hump but not a huge one and not a lot of tip work like you know small to moderate amount of tip work if you need a ton of tip work I mean the feeling would be that the average plastic surgeon still has to open it up make sure both sides are symmetric and that's hard to do with preservation techniques yeah and by definition you're not preserving some of it cause you're gonna make it smaller that's right you don't wanna keep it the same that's right that's always one of our favorite meetings I I love just it's a small group of experts from around the world is all it's great cause you really get to interact with everybody why have you gotten so involved with it and why do you think it's important go I think you and I both love it because it's a smaller meeting so if you have a question it's easier to ask a panel and there are only couple hundred like 400 - 500 people in the audience it's harder at a plastic surgery meeting where there are two or three thousand people in the audience you may not actually be able to ask a question there may not be enough time I think the other thing is that this meeting is very good because it's smaller they show real results and more specifically some of the results some of the topics that they talk about are not recorded the patients have stated look you can use this for an educational conference their eyes are so blurred out good luck trying to figure out who it is but they actually do not record it at all so you'll be able to see like a nose result and a complicated maneuver you're only gonna see that at Dallas Rhino Dallas Cosmetic you're not gonna see that at our national meetings and you're not gonna see it online or in social media so I think that's another thing that surgeons don't really realize or even patients don't realize so you know I love that it's such a small group and you're in this you're in close quarters the whole the whole extended weekend and so after so you keep on running into Doctor Hoyos you keep on running into you Doctor Kim so you have like this opportunity to actually get to know people build relationships like ask you know then you can feel comfortable like asking like experts like around the world different ways that they're doing you how they're doing it in Brazil versus Europe and I'm really get to know people I think that's really really special no I totally agree cause you know they feel more comfortable they'll give you a real answer and you can actually ask them a real question and get the result amazing amazing well Doctor Doctor Rohrich are wonderful director of that and the founder of Dallas Rhinoplasty in its current iteration at least so that's a fabulous meeting and definitely worth going to I'll be excited to return to it next year yes we all missed you Kristy and so we wanted you to show up and people asked where you were and I said well you know if you follow her online she has this lame excuse about being pregnant and delivery or something like that yes yes Caroline Rose made her debut so next year but another fabulous episode thank you for informing me about the latest I got little mini recap even though I couldn't be there and as always ask any questions below comments we will respond and stay beautiful stay beautiful right now we've got mentor Allergan Sientra which is in bankruptcy court right now I think the restriction of the US of course is that no human exosomes can really be used so that's a fabulous meeting and definitely worth going to I'll be excited to return to it next year Allergan is coming out with a new indications for filler to the temple