The Beauty Scientists

Secrets to Natural Breast Augmentation Revealed! | The Beauty Scientists

Dr. Kristy Hamilton and Dr. Roy KIm Episode 21

Join  @drkristyhamilton   and  @drroykimmd on The Beauty Scientists. Discover insider tips and expert advice on achieving the ideal balance and proportions for your figure. From understanding patient desires to selecting the right implant profiles and exploring innovative fat grafting techniques, this episode has it all. Plus, learn the key to long-lasting results and maintaining your new look with scar maintenance and supportive bras. 

Don't miss out on this must-watch discussion packed with valuable insights and beauty secrets! 

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Welcome to the next episode of The Beauty Scientists we are talking about natural breast augmentation today amazing topic I'm Doctor Kristy Hamilton board certified plastic surgeon here with Doctor Roy Kim how are you doing Roy? I am good! How are you doing?great! so you have two board certified plastic surgeons talking about a topic that we're both passionate about so patients come in and how often are they asking for a natural breast augmentation as opposed to an unnatural one yes as a plastic surgeon we both both of us know we love it when patients want and say natural we love it when they bring inspirational photographs but I guess our problem is plastic surgeons is generic generally okay how do you translate what a patient saying into what I can achieve as the plastic surgeon specifically the natural breast augmentation what do you really consider natural breast yeah and you know sometimes I do have patients that come in there like oh no I do want that really round really augmented like clearly fake look but most of the time that's not the case most patients come in asking for natural and that's when we really try to get in their minds as I think to you and I a natural breast is one that's a teardrop shape there's more volume at the bottom of the breast than the top your breasts are not pushed together so you don't have cleavage when you are out of a bra standing there and nipple position can vary a little bit patient to patient there's all different types of nipple position position and breast shape but that I think that's what you and I think of how would you define it everything you said and the other tweak is we're talking about natural breasts in other words no support so with an underwire with side pushing in that is a nice look but that's technically not natural so breasts will separate and they will drop slightly with no support and even though you and I think that that's a natural breast I think what a lot of patients feel is hey with a low cut dress with a special blouse with a special outfit I would be able to push them up push them in and have some cleavage I don't necessarily want to live my life like this all the time although some patients do want to live like that all the time so this is why having a natural look but being able to have cleavage without having an unnatural look unnatural touching together - symastia all those good things I think that's what most patients want but I have to figure that out and so do you during the consultation yeah so we have to get in the patient's head and then that's one of the I asked the same question so do you want to look like you're in a push up bra all the time some patients like they're like yes 100% and I would agree I would argue that that's not natural but it is a look and it can be a very pretty look and I always remind patients too it's like hey do not only is that the look that you're going for but you do you want to look like that all the time because you could choose something that was more of a teardrop a smaller volume breast implant and then if the dress calls for it or it's Saturday night and you want to amp it up a little bit you can always put a push up bra with underwire on on top of your breast augmentation and and create more of that cleavage for that moment but not have to look like that you know Tuesday at 1PM so that's also an important distinction for patients so then you know a lot of times they're not thinking about the fact that just like with with unoperated breasts you can also choose to enhance or minimize with with lingerie and clothing so this is why you and I were talking about this episode in advance but photos inspiration photos help so so much because that allows us to really get in the mindset of the patient understand what natural means to them because there that term is used so loosely when we're talking about breast augmentation yeah so one of the big things we think about is plastic surgeon's natural look so one of the things of course is cleavage how full the upper pole the sort of top of the breast look like another thing you mention is the nipple position because sometimes I get asked I don't want the look where the nipples are little too lateral too much to the side and what I explain to patients is some of its genetic some of it's definitely maybe the implant is placed too much in the middle and it's pushing the nipples out to the side a bit too much and I guess the final thing is honestly it depends on the camera lens so a lot of amateurish non professional photos they may have selfie on they may have photographs taken by their friends with the smartphone but that's not a true nerdy macro lens with no distortion which is what we like as plastic surgeons right and then back we see this all the time with oh I don't look like this in photos and they like oh how do you like yourself in the mirror I like it but not in photos I'm like we're not chasing virtual reality at least yet we like to chase reality but sheer point putting a breast implant in is kind of like putting a magnifying glass on the breast so if your nipples are already a little bit out to the side you have to put the implant centered on the breast itself so that looks normal that that's gonna kick out the nipples even more to the outside or if they're a little bit up a little bit too high again we'll amplify that or a little bit too low we usually actually see the nipples rotate up but certainly from the to the middle or the outside unless your nipples are right in the center of your breast and you have perfect breasts they're gonna be moved a little bit in some direction especially if you're choosing a larger breast implant so that's something that's important to consider and your plastic surgeon like Doctor Kim or I would make sure we choose an implant that really fits the width of your breast so that we're minimizing that kicking out like Doctor Kim was you were saying if you if you have them too close to the center that will even more especially shoot the nipples out to the side yeah and then the other thing which patients sort of tell me but again this is nerd talk from two plastic surgeons they want a natural feel and so as a plastic surgeon the technology is the actual filler material the silicone gel has different types of cross linking so it can actually feel less firm or more firm also they've come up with different moderates where the silicone gel is actually the same however the amount of filling up the actual envelope the outer covering of the actual breast implant is more full so there's less give it does feel more firm when you feel it at least my preference has always been actually the softest feeling breast implants which weirdly enough are the older models to me feel the most natural after all the surgery's done after all the swellings done I don't know what type of implants like generically you like in terms of feel oh I use all of them just depending on what the the keywords that the patient gives me I let them feel them too I agree with you I think if you are coming in and wanting truly for your augmentation to look the most like natural breasts as possible we're choosing a lower profile not a low profile but a lower profile implant we're choosing one of the softer gels or either less filled or truly softer because what we want is we want to see that implant will cause melt into a more natural teardrop shape when you hold it in your hand and that's the look that we're trying to achieve cause that's what natural breasts look like but that's why the photos again are so important because we can see if we see someone that really wants that pop up top or that really really perky look those can still look cute and certainly very tasteful but that wouldn't be the most truly natural look from your and my perspective yeah so how do patients achieve this look I mean one of the things we can talk a little bit about more about is implant profile so one of the things I like to tell patients is you know Starbucks they actually only have 3 profiles they only have tall grande venti if you went to the Starbucks and you wanted a grande plus or tall minus they'd look at you like you're strange well depending on the company Mentor I believe a 7 Allergan 6 different profiles and since they went to the same marketing department as Starbucks God forbid you call them small medium or large no they have to be called moderate classic, moderate plus, moderate plus boost, high profile, ultra high profile names that honestly don't mean much unless you're looking at a chart but to simplify it you want to as a patient realize implants come in a certain width and a certain thickness so that sort of determines your look and then Doctor Hamilton if you want to talk about fat grafting and how that can enhance your more natural look even more yes it's - so fat grafting or taking you would do liposuction somewhere else in the body where you're willing to donate some material and then we use that to either sculpt the breast itself like you could we could narrow cleavage lines fill up the upper pole the breast a little bit more just do overall volumization this can be done alone for a truly natural augmentation without a device or an implant or it can be used in combination with an implant because like we were mentioning before we really want to center the implant on the breast with itself we want that right in the center if you naturally have cleavage lines that are really far apart we don't want to put them so narrow that we kick out your nipple so then this is a great great way if you add some fat grafting you don't have to compromise on choosing the implant that's best suited for your the shape of your breast and then you can still narrow the cleavage lines so why someone might choose implants versus fat grafting if you know you want a certain volume if you know you want a higher amount of volume probably choosing an implant is better for you cause it's a guarantee you know you're choosing it you're working with your plastic surgeon right Doctor Kim and you can say I know that you're gonna get 250 or 350 whatever it may be with that we know that there's some loss of the fat not 100% of it will persist depending on what you read is probably somewhere around 50% could be higher could be a little bit lower and so it also depends on you have to have a certain amount of breast tissue to receive the fat so if you don't have a lot of breasts to begin with then you're only gonna be able to transfer such a certain amount and so there can be a little bit more variability in the outcome of those procedures yeah and one of the things is the intermammary distance in other words a very key component of cleavage is okay how close is your right breast to your left breast to each other and so to narrow that distance is Doctor Hamilton says we could do with implants but if we could do with fat that's the ultimate because we can sculpt the fat control the fat and give you the best overall result I'm sure you've heard this before Kristy we're trying to create sisters we're not able to create identical twins so that's one of the goals of breast surgery one thing I noticed yes on your social media feed is ballerina breast I don't know if you want to elaborate a little on that I love the ballerina breasts philosophy so these are very small augmentations very elegant we're gonna be choosing not a low profile but a lower profile implant for it so we're just getting that kind of a yoga look and a small push up bra very tasteful subtle cleavage so that no one would ever know that that's an implant you're truly leaving them guessing is that it just you just have a tiny underwire on to get a little bit of that upper pole fullness but it's a really really beautiful look I was very interested in the comments on that post so many women were saying that this was the look that they were trying to achieve and then somehow they walked out of surgery with triple D's and it it made me think about one of what I would say our lies were taught in training that women always want to be bigger and I just think that that's not true it can't you know it can be some woman say hey I want to get as big of an implant in as I possibly could have but most of my patients and it could just be my patient population but they're really just looking to restore lost volume after having kids and breastfeeding maybe slightly augmented but they don't want to walk around with people like oh wow you had a great breast augmentation they want to walk around saying oh wow look at that beautiful figure she looks great not obviously that she had a breast augmentation so they're very subtle very pretty very tasteful I totally agree I think we may have a similar patient population because people in general don't want to be as big as possible I think that they feel they're too top heavy rather they want to be proportionate to their body and rejuvenated it yes and a lot of women too they'll say if if you go too big with the implant relative to their their hips and waist they may find that they always have to wear really tight clothing otherwise they might be super fit super athletic but they actually appear heavy because if they're wearing a sweater all that material is kind of water falling or cascading off their breasts and that also has the unintended consequence of making patients look older too when they actually could be really really young so it's a it's a it's a more youthful more athletic look very tasteful and when you're choosing smaller implants as well there's less weight on the skin of the breast and the tissues of the breast and so I find that those also tend to stay perkier and lifted longer than if you're choosing a very very large implant so a lot of benefits to it yeah so finally how do you maintain this look so you had breast augmentation you have natural looking breasts one of the things that I always tell patients and I know you do as well is scar maintenance is very important scars mature over six to 12 months and even though it may be slightly annoying over a long period of time it's very good to use silicone gel to monitor the area to make sure that it's healing up so that's much longer than the actual procedure what are your thoughts on the wearing of a bra after surgery even though patients don't want to wear a bra have to I know after after they got the especially the fresh breast implants they are standing up at attention they are high and tight and they have to wear the bra because now even if you choose a small implant there's still a new weight on your chest and we want to keep everything as lifted in high as possible for as long as possible and that includes patients that we put an internal bra in for which is a type of temporary mesh that absorbs but even with that's an insurance policy for your investment in your breast enhancement surgery but you still want to do everything you can to keep everything as high and tight and lifted as possible yes I fully agree and even though it may be a slight bummer where you have a great result and you don't want to wear a bra hey you don't have to wear a bra it's just that yeah we've strongly feel that wearing a bra will help keep them up for a very long period of time yes yeah that way you can stave off your having to visit us again as quickly in the future or or visit us again for a completely different reason that's the hope anyway yeah well thanks so much for talking to me about having a natural breast augmentation if you have any questions out there whether you are a viewer or listener please let us know because maybe you have different feelings about what exactly natural breast augmentation is versus what Doctor Hamilton and I do and as always stay beautiful stay beautiful putting a breast implant in is kind of like putting a magnifying glass on the breast the actual filler material the silicone gel has different types of cross linking so it can actually feel less firm or more firm if you know you want a higher amount of volume probably choosing an implant is better for you cause it's a guarantee to simplify it you want to as a patient realize for you implants come with a certain width and a certain thickness so that sort of determines your look