The Beauty Scientists
Dr. Kristy Hamilton and Dr. Roy Kim share their love of aesthetics, beauty, and plastic surgery through conversation and in depth analysis.
Listen to them talk about the latest skin care, beauty trends, non invasive and surgical procedures, and more!
Both Dr. Kristy Hamilton and Dr. Roy Kim are board certified plastic surgeons, and want to share their hints and tweaks to stay beautiful!
The Beauty Scientists
ASPS 2024: Sculpting the Future of Plastic Surgery | Ep 35
Welcome to The Beauty Scientists! In this special ASPS 2024 Update episode, Dr. Kristy Hamilton and Dr. Roy Kim dive into the latest developments in plastic surgery. Congratulations to Dr. Kristy Hamilton for becoming the Head of the ASPS Social Media Committee! 🎉
Here's what's covered in this episode:
🧠Motiva Implants - A brief update on the innovative Motiva implants (full episode coming soon!).
🌟 Bistool Korean Facial Implants - Discover the new line of Korean facial implants that are softer and provide a superior feel compared to current options in the U.S. These implants are FDA-approved for standard sizes, and 3D custom facial implants are expected to be approved next year.
💳 Alle Program Updates - Learn about the latest changes to the Alle Program. Are these updates making it harder for injectors, med spas, and plastic surgeons to embrace the program?
💉 Alloclae by Tiger Biosciences - Introducing the concept of fat grafting from cadavers. How can this product be used in thin patients and general soft tissue cases? Find out as we discuss the potential for long-term fat survival.
🔗 Brijit Scar Closure System - A look into the Brijit scar closure system and its application in complex cases like the T junction.
Stay up-to-date on the latest innovations in plastic surgery with Dr. Kristy Hamilton and Dr. Roy Kim!
Motiva - https://motiva.health/
Bistool - https://bistool.com/board/en_index.php
Alle - https://alle.com/
Alloclae - https://alloclae.com/ | https://tigerbiosciences.com/
Brijit - https://brijmedical.com/
#ASPS2024 #PlasticSurgeryUpdate #KoreanFacialImplants #Motiva #FatGrafting #BrijitScarClosure #Alloclae #AlleProgram #DrKristyHamilton #DrRoyKim #PlasticSurgeryInnovations
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